How to Cope With Job Search Anxiety

Job searching can be a quite stressful and overwhelming process, which consequently triggers anxiety. When you feel anxious, it is hard to control challenging physical and mental effects that can influence the process unfavorably. You should know that job search anxiety has nothing to do with confidence, even the most confident people find themselves in tough situations. Especially, if you are unemployed it is difficult to reduce the stress because you may constantly think about your piled up bills. If you want to achieve professional success, it is crucial that you find ways to cope with your job search anxiety. In this guideline, we are going to show you some ways to cope with the stress, but first, let’s understand the anxiety better.

Why Do We Get Anxious?

How to Cope With Job Search Anxiety (Why Do We Get Anxious)

There can be many reasons behind anxiety that vary based on the situations and personalities. We are going to mention three of them.

First Reason: The uncertainty. You do not know how long it is going to take you to get an answer from an application.,

Solution: Try not to worry about the outcomes you can not control. Instead, focus on the things you can actually control. You can create a schedule for applications, track when you apply for jobs, and how long you should wait for an answer. You may change your resume and cover letter for jobs in different industries. Do what you like in your leisure time, do what you should do while searching for a job.

Second Reason: Convincing yourself that you do not have a chance. It may arouse from your own insecurities or perhaps from economic instability.

Solution: If you believe your skills and experiences are not enough for any kind of job, it means that you know you need to do more. Try to find out what skills you need to learn in order to be more eligible in your own profession. If you feel confident about yourself but not so hopeful because of environmental reasons, try to find inspiration from success stories. It would distract your hopelessness.

Third Reason: If you are trying to change your job and intimidated of the situation, you tend to get overwhelmed. Maybe you do not want to start because it is a long process or perhaps you just don’t know where to start. 

Solution: Try not to spend your time on not affective job-research methods. Firstly, learn how you should conduct proper job research. Then, break the process into manageable steps and reward yourself after completing every step. 

What Are The Steps of Reducing The Stress?

How to Cope With Job Search Anxiety (What Are The Steps of Reducing The Stress)

Follow these steps in order to cope with the job research anxiety.

STEP 1: Details First: You know your situation better than anyone else. In order to build a strategy for your specific situation, you should first start with the details. If you can apply for unemployment benefits, do that to get some income during the process. Form resume and cover letter meticulously, customizing them in accordance with every job you apply for. Update your Linkedin profile, request references from your former employers. 

STEP 2: Set Goals and Deadlines: After you finish with the details and get ready to hunt for a job, set timely goals and deadlines. Make a list of companies or organizations you want to apply, how you will apply and when you will apply. Keeping track of your applications will definitely help to minimize stress.

STEP 3: Stay Positive: Controlling your mindset and attitude is perhaps the most challenging thing. As we all hope for acceptance, it is inevitable to face rejection as well. After the rejection it is hard to keep a positive attitude, however; you may learn a lot from it. Try to ask feedback from the employers and find out what makes other candidates better than you. It will help you to focus on what you should improve instead of spending time on something not useful.

STEP 4: Take a Break When Needed: If you feel down and not feeling like seeking for a job, take a break. Do something to relieve the stress. Give yourself some time and do the things make you happy.

STEP 5: Reward Yourself: After completing tasks in your schedule, treat yourself with a small prize because you are going great!

STEP 6: Practice and Get Ready: For every job you are applying, practice the possible interview questions in order to polish your communication skills. Research the companies and find out as much as information about them and practice in front of a mirror as if you were in an interview.

STEP 7: Expectations Are Tricky: Even if you want a job so badly, do not count on single application and never stop applying till you get what you want. Keep in mind that it is not just about the company, it is also about you. If you think it is not a good fit for you, do not accept job applications just because you need a job immediately. Always focus on the long term.

STEP 8: If It Is Serious, Get Supoort: Remember that everybody has job search anxiety, even the most confident candidates. You can always get some help from a family member, friend, or former coworker if you feel too overwhelmed. Nevertheless, if anxiety is affecting your life too much with panic attacks, sleeping disorders, muscle tension, etc. get professional help. You can ask support from a psychologist, a career coach, or a counselor. Know when it is time to intervene.

STEP 9: Struggle Is New Opportunity: Most of us tend to think the unemployment period as a pause in life. Do not forget that things we learn from difficult times are with us for the rest of our lives. Try to see this time as an opportunity to think about your strengths and weaknesses, focus on improving yourself and rest when you need it. 

Source: 1 (Access:March 19, 2019) 2 (Access:March 19, 2019)

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